babiesOur four young ring-tailed lemurs who were born between March and May have now been sexed and named by their keepers who appear to have chosen a Star Wars theme for our youngsters! Solo is a young male whilst Binks, Corellia and Leia are all female.

The youngsters continue to grow healthy and strong and are spending the majority of their time exploring their enclosure and becoming more independent. 

Experienced mum Madison not only welcomed her own baby but has also become a grandmother as her previous young, Alina, Andro and Lexi have all given birth to their own babies.

Impossible to confuse with any other lemurs, the ring-tailed lemur comes from Madagascar and is known for its distinctive long, bushy, black-and-white ringed tail. It is currently listed as near threatened on the IUCN red list.

Did you know!? The ring-tailed lemur gets its name from the Latin word for ‘ghost’ or ‘spirit’.

Look out for the little ones next to the Gelada baboons from the Lost Madagascar Bridge and see if you can spot our tiniest new arrival!

Find out how you can get up close to some of our lemurs with an animal experience here.