Experts are urgently working to save Australia's Southern carroboree frogs from extinction in the wild. The critically endangered frogs, which live in the Snowy Mountains region of Kosciuszko National Park, showed no signs of breeding last year, and the worry is the species could be extinct within the next two to three years.

Conservationists gathered together at a special workshop last September facilitated by the Conservation Breeding Specialist Group (CBSG) to create a recovery programme. The frogs' main threat is chytridiomycosis, a lethal fungal disease, and innovative techniques are now under trial as a result of the workshop.

Eggs are being released into artificial ponds within the frogs' natural range to help tadpoles reach metamorphosis chytrid free, and breeding habitats in disease-free field enclosures are being created in the hope of maintaining productive colonies. Two of the institutions taking part in the breeding programme have reported significant reproduction successes already.

CBSG organises important workshops across the world helping conservationists to exchange information and reach agreements on the actions to take to tackle the challenges facing humans and wildlife.

In 2013 CBSG helped with the development of conservation plans for 25 species during 87 workshops in 23 countries. Since it began in 1979, CBSG has assisted with plans involving over 250 species through more than 550 workshops held in 67 countries.

Colchester Zoo is a member of CBSG and our Action for the Wild charity donated a further $1,440 in August towards the important work that the group is doing globally for thousands of threatened species in the wild.

Article kindly written by ©Sarah Jones Beer