It was a normal day for the Pearcy family enjoying a day out at the zoo and Caroline, although heavily pregnant had no feeling that this was going to be the day she would be giving birth to her second child. After arriving at 11am on the 21st September 2015 and enjoying most of the park it got to 2.30pm and at Lion Rock Caroline felt strong contractions and it was clear that she was going speedily into labour so they approached head farm keeper, Lisa Davis for help.  Despite Lisa being well used to dealing with various goat and sheep labours this was an unusual scenario even for her to deal with!

All the same Lisa helped Caroline to a private area whilst husband, Guy, was able to bring their car to an easy access gate nearby to whisk her off to the hospital.  They got there just in time for the arrival of the new baby son!

We were delighted to receive this photo of  Jasper Pearcy with lots of thanks to Lisa for all her help. This is Jasper sporting a very apt baby grow with his new favourite teddy Jerry the giraffe! #PicturePerfect

We would like to congratulate the Pearcy family on their new addition and look forward to welcoming them along soon so Jasper can meet Lisa and the animals she cares for!