Our two groups of female spider monkeys have become one as the group along our Inca Trail have now moved house to join those in the Valley Zone, at Medellin Monkeys. This group is now made up of females including Minder the oldest monkey here at Colchester Zoo, born in 1973, making her 41 years old!

It’s been slow but steady progress getting these two female groups socialised but they are doing well and beginning to develop bonds. The recent arrival of two adult males from Landau zoo in Germany has also made the females a step closer to being a unified group!

The two new males, Julius and Vincent are siblings and will spend a couple of months living together in an enclosure next door to the seven females so that both groups can become familiar with each other before being fully introduced. It is hoped that their integration into the female group will result in successful breeding of this species.

spider-monkeySpider monkeys such as this newly created group lack a proper thumb but this is compensated for by their tail, which is remarkably useful and can grip onto branches and is even able to support the whole weight of the animal.

Many sub species of spider monkey are currently listed as endangered on the IUCN red list due to both hunting and habitat loss. 

Find out more about how to adopt one of our spider monkeys here.