On the 28th May 2014 our Spotted Hyena adults Kalabi and Abu became proud parents again for the third time!

Since then the cub has continued to grow and thrive and has recently been given the name Kivuli, which means shadow in Swahili. Keepers agreed this was a very apt name as the cub continues to be very shy and elusive, hiding in the shadows!

Take a visit to Edge of Africa to see if you can catch a glimpse of mum and cub. The cub is yet to be sexed but we will let you know as soon as we can!

In 2011 we became the only zoo in the UK to house this species and are very pleased that our adult couple of have formed a healthy & well family!

The male, named Abu, born in September 2005 arrived from Amersfoort Zoo in the Netherlands and a female, Kalabi, born in July 2008, arrived from Berlin on the 21st July 2011. Abu and Kalabi transferred to Colchester Zoo following a recommendation from the studbook keeper and have become a successful breeding pair. Their two male cubs are called Nafari and Jasiri. Nafari was born in June 2012 and his brother, Jasiri was born in September 2013. Visitors can see visit Kalabi and the family in their enclosure at ‘Edge of Africa’.

The spotted hyena is listed as least concern on the IUCN Red List due to the species continued widespread distribution within Africa, south of the Sahara. Populations of the species residing outside of protected areas are suffering mild threat of decline due to persecution and loss of habitat.

It is hoped that Abu and Kalabi continue their breeding success to help maintain the population of this species within the captive environment.

Find out how you could adopt one of our Spotted Hyenas here.

NB Photo is of previous cub Jasiri