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Orangutans given second chance in conflict over habitat

in Action for the Wild & UmPhafa
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Orangutans are facing daily threats of injury and death from the conflict between humans and wildlife over the rich habitat in the forests of Borneo. Individual orangutans are becoming trapped and isolated as the natural resources of the forest are destroyed for logging and oil palm plantations.

But the struggle to survive as their habitat disappears is being eased thanks to the protection of the Lamandau Wildlife Reserve.

The Orangutan Foundation’s translocation project rescued 18 orangutans stranded on oil palm plantations and on community land in 2014, and a further six so far this year. The rescued orangutans were successfully moved into the Reserve where an expert vet keeps an eye on them to make sure they are rehabilitated and are doing well in their new environment.

Happily several of the rescued females on the Reserve have since given birth in the safety of the protected forest.

Colchester Zoo’s Action for the Wild charity has donated £38,000 to orangutan conservation since 2007. The charity’s latest £5,000 donation will help towards paying for veterinary care during the rescues and at the Reserve, and to support the costs of the relocation missions, such as fuel and medication.

The Orangutan Foundation hopes to decrease the need to rescue orangutans by gaining support from local communities through education programmes on human-wildlife conflict, essential to preserve the survival of Borneo’s orangutans.

Article kindly written by ©Sarah Jones Beer


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