There's always a new story to tell at Colchester Zoo, from welcoming new arrivals, to exciting things to see and discover.


in Action for the Wild & UmPhafa
For the past two years, Action for the Wild has been helping to support the work of Free the Bears in Laos PDR, with their new Luang Prabang Wildlife Sanctuary. Since 2003, 58 bears (57 moon and 1 sun bear) have...

in Animals
We are very excited to announce that our Victorian crowned-pigeon chick, who was born on the 27th May has now fledged the nest! The chick stayed close to mum Violet and dad Ozzy during the first few weeks, with them both...

in Animals
We’re pleased to announce that we have welcomed a number of penguin chicks who hatched out throughout April & May within our two Humboldt penguin groups!  Whilst the chicks are still young our keepers keep a close eye on them and...

in Animals
Our young lemurs have been named by their keepers! Born in April & May, they have been named after ice lollies to go with this beautiful weather we’ve been having! Introducing Calippo, Magnum, Solero, Twister and Corneto! The youngsters stuck...

in Action for the Wild & UmPhafa
Animal Welfare and Conservation Masters student Zoe Braybrook will be heading to South Africa over the summer for an internship at Colchester Zoo’s UmPhafa Private Nature Reserve. The internship is for four weeks at the 6,000 hectare reserve in KwaZulu Natal...


5.00pm close or dusk if earlier
Last admission to zoo grounds at 4.00pm

Click here for further closing times


upcoming events
September 2024
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Animated gif of a leopard